The goal of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is to produce a unified promotional message that has the customer as its focus. All promotional activity such as media advertising, sales promotion, personal selling sponsorships, and public relations are geared to deliver a consistent uniform message.
There are many ways that an organization can establish an Integrated Marketing Communication plan. Many organizations want to set a strong foundation when establish an Integrated Marketing Communication plan. To do this they start by setting goals and objectives that the organization wants to meet. Laying the outline for who you want to target and what you want to say to the targets. If the organization has goals and objectives set then it is easier for the organization to follow. It is very helpful if the organization also establishes and plans out a budget for the integrated marketing communication plan. By doing so the organization has a set amount of money that they can spend.
Some of the different stages that a company goes through when developing their Integrated Marketing Communication strategy are finding the target market for the product or service. How the message will be said, who it will be said to and who will say the message all play a big role in the decisions that organizes will have to make. Different target markets will react differently to marketing. For example you wouldn't want to advertise make-up on the radio, it just wouldn't work. The organization also has to design a message and framework for the product/service. Once again different products/services will need different marketing communication. There are many different ways that the target markets react to message. Some consumers prefer emotional appeals and react better to emotional marketing. On the other hand some consumers prefer the rational appeal and react better to rational marketing.
How does an organization establish an IMC plan? What are some of the different stages that company goes through when developing their IMC strategy?
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