How do you say "the car uses a lot of gas, it cost a lot of money to fill up gas"
La voiture utilise beaucoup de gaz, il coute beaucoup d'argent pour fait le plein d'essence.
Does it makes sense?
5 answers
looks right to me
and also is this correct?
c'est meilleur prendre plus le transport en commun et moins la voiture.
c'est meilleur prendre plus le transport en commun et moins la voiture.
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To avoid a run-on sentence, you need a semi-colon (;) after "gaz" and in place of the comma (,). Another word for "gas" you put in the car is "l'essence." After the preposition "pour" the only form of a verb you can use is an infinitive = pour faire. However, since you don't provide the English of what you want to say, this may not do it.
For the 2nd, either "C'est" or "Il est" and the rest is fine.
To avoid a run-on sentence, you need a semi-colon (;) after "gaz" and in place of the comma (,). Another word for "gas" you put in the car is "l'essence." After the preposition "pour" the only form of a verb you can use is an infinitive = pour faire. However, since you don't provide the English of what you want to say, this may not do it.
For the 2nd, either "C'est" or "Il est" and the rest is fine.
So is it okay to say...
La voiture utilise beaucoup de gaz; il coute beaucoup d'argent pour faire le plein d'essence.
La voiture utilise beaucoup de gaz; il coute beaucoup d'argent pour faire le plein d'essence.
to fill it up? yes, parfait!