How do you say, "Don't bring your kids here!" Is it, "Something something apporter tes enfants ici!"

Thanks! =P


1 answer

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum, BUT.....
Are you speaking to one person, with whom you are on a first-name basis = tu/familiar command.

Are you speaking to a group of people = vous/formal plural command.

Without knowing that, I don't know what to give you. However the verb "to bring a person" is amener or conduire. "To bring a person IN" is entrer.

You said "tes enfants" so it would appear you want the familiar/singular command = N'amène pas tes enfants ici. OR "N'entre pas avec tes enfants ici."

If it were a sign you might even see: Pas d'enfants ici!
