how do you pronounce these:

ferdinand de Saussure???

3 answers

Notice the pronunciation symbols in brackets in the first sentence. It looks as if it should be pronounced this way:

[fɛʁdinã də soˈsyːʁ]

And here's a chart (scroll down) for the different sound symbols:

From Wikipedia:

<<Ferdinand de Saussure (pronounced [fɛʁdinɑ̃ də soˈsyːʁ]) (November 26, 1857 – February 22, 1913) was a Geneva-born Swiss linguist whose ideas laid the foundation for many of the significant developments in linguistics in the 20th century. He is widely considered the 'father' of 20th-century linguistics.>>

for a pronuciation notation guide
If the above is too complicated, here is something I dislike doing = using English words to try to pronounce another language.

Fair-dee-nahn Sow-shure

(more or less!)
