How do you prepare 2% Cu S04? How does this solution differ from 2M CuS04?

I am stumped. Thank you.


6 answers

You don't specify if this is 2% w/w or 2% w/v. I'll assume you mean 2% w/v.
2% w/v CuSO4 means 2g CuSO4 in 100 mL soln which is the same as 20 g CuSO4 in a L.
2M soln means 2 mols CuSO4/L soln and 2 mols CuSO4 = approximately 2*159.6 g CuSO4 or about 319 g CuSO4/L for a 2M soln.
Dr. Bob, thanks for answering. What does w/w and w/v and soln mean? i am an a student in chemistry but am having difficulty with this piece.

w/w means weight/weight. Also called m/m for mass/mass. Five % m/m or w/w solution means 5.00 g solute/100 g solution.
w/v means weight/volume. Also called mass/volume. Five % solution m/v or w/v means 5.00 g solute/100 mL solution.
soln is my abbreviation for solution.
There also is a v/v. A 5% v/v means 5 mL solute/100 mL solution.
Dr. Bob, thank you kindly. Do you know if copper sulfate is considered an mm solution?


No. The solution is whatever you want to make it. If it isn't specified then the author of the problem just didn't add that information to the problem. I have always been told that if it isn't specified to consider it m/m (w/w) but that isn't a rule.
Thank you. You have been so helpful. I appreciate it.
