how do you know? this is what you said...
Trying to give and get answers here is frowned upon. The object is to help students learn, not just give away answers so that nobody has to study and learn anything. Giving away answers can get a person banned from Jiskha, temporarily or permanently.
6 answers
Reed is an experienced Jiskha tutor. He's absolutely right!
He knows that because he's one of the tutors here.
Ms. Sue knows because she's also a tutor here and I know because I like helping people learn. Plus people get banned daily for cheating on here.
i never got banned
that's cause you don't cheat.......
If you have tried to cheat here by just giving others the answers so they can answer their questions without studying or reading anything, you apparently just haven't been caught yet. The object of education is to learn about the world we live in and how things work (or don't). Just passing the test, then forgetting about it, isn't learning.