How do you draw 56 degrees 10 minutes and 26 seconds on paper? protractor ? circle? clock? any website that helps this type of construction? the minutes and seconds threw me off....

2 answers

That's what they call dms and it's just another set of units for angles.

To convert you can do the math or you can look up a calculator to convert the seconds and minutes back to a decimal in degrees.
most protractors are not calibrated for that degree of accuracy.

1 ° = 60 minutes of angle, and
1 minute of angle = 60 seconds of angle

so 56°, 10' , 26''
= 56 + 10/60 + 26/3600 degrees
= appr 56.17°

So on my protractor I would try to mark off an angle just a bit more than 56°

Do not confuse the 60 minutes of 1° with the 60 minutes of 1 hour.
It is unfortunate that they have the same name, but have different meanings.
( we have other cases of the same kind of confusion,
e.g. one ounce of sugar and one ounce of orange juice, the "ounce" is used in one case to measure mass, in the other to measure volume)