How do you conjugate "sugerir" in present tense? Thank you!

2 answers

The present tense of the indicative mood would be: yo sugiero, tú sugieres, él/ella/Ud. sugiere, nosotros(as) sugerimos withou an e to ie stem change, and ellos(as)/Uds. sugieren.

For the subjunctive mood it would be: yo sugiera, tú sugieras, él/ella/Ud. sugiera, nosotros sugeramos again without an e to ie stem change, and ellos(as) sugieran.

Start drilling these verb forms in to your memory! Learn the basic patterns and also the irregular exceptions to the rules! Do you have a table in your textbook or dictionary that references these?
Excellent, Brandon! Let me just add the English:

Present Indicative = yo sugiero
I suggest, I DO suggest, I AM suggestING

Present Subjunctive = yo sugiera
I may suggest, even the Future I will or I'll suggest or even an infinitive in "Ella quiere que yo sugiera = She wants me TO SUGGEST
