How do rules actually make us free?
Like referring to the ten commandments, how do they allow us to be free instead of feeling as if we are living by rules and regulations
4 answers
I don't know what you mean. True freedom means a lack of rules and regulations. The Ten commandments restrict your freedoms by telling you the way you are supposed to live. The morality involved is up to your judgement, but their intention is to make you live by certain rules.
Can you imagine a world with no rules? Chaos.
Sure, but chaos is total freedom
In the absence of societal rules, those with greater will and strength make the rules and impose them. A leader always emerges, and your choices soon become limited.
Rules like the ten commandments provide a framework wherein society can function for the good of all. Not perfect, but then no endeavor involving humans ever is.
Rules like the ten commandments provide a framework wherein society can function for the good of all. Not perfect, but then no endeavor involving humans ever is.