How do natural ecosystems have more biodiversity?
8 answers
Your question doesn't make sense to me. An ecosystem, by its very nature, is biodiverse.
Wait, so are you saying that Artificial ecosystems actually has more biodiversity? Altho, they have been altered?
Okay sorry let me explaining properly, My question was which has more biodiversity, Natural Ecosystems or Artificial ecosystems? and I'm,sopposed to explain. I choose Natural but I guess I am wrong.
Natural ecosystems have more biodiversity.
I'm sorry that someone used tutors' names to post wrong answers. That person is now banned from posting on Jiskha.
I'm sorry that someone used tutors' names to post wrong answers. That person is now banned from posting on Jiskha.
Thanks Ms.Sue
Don't worry
Don't worry
You're welcome, Elizabeth. :-)
Also, sorry if I may ask a lot of questions, I am just preparing for my exam tomorrow.
It's quite alright, Elizabeth, to post as many questions as you like.
Your question above needed clarification. As stated, it was not clear that you are comparing natural and artificial biosystems. Keep at it! :) You're doing fine.
Your question above needed clarification. As stated, it was not clear that you are comparing natural and artificial biosystems. Keep at it! :) You're doing fine.