I suspect that the word "hace" comes into play when saying "for over five years".
as in :
Hace mas que cinco an~os que yo he gozado (etc.) ...
Our expert SraMcGin will probably provide a more correct answer later today.
How do i sue hace in the following sentence I have been enjoying music and movies for over five years
2 answers
Hace más de cinco años que me encantan la música y las películas.
There are 2 little grammar points in this sentence. más que becomes más de before a number
encantar is to love/enjoy. You could also use "gustan" in place of "encantan" but either verb is plural because 2 things ARE pleasing, etc.
The other grammar point is that when you say in English " I have been + verb with hace and a period of time" you will use "hace + period of time and then the verb in the Present Tense."
Therefore literally (word for word) it looks like you are saying: It makes more than 5 years that music and movies ARE pleasing/ARE enjoyable to me.
There are 2 little grammar points in this sentence. más que becomes más de before a number
encantar is to love/enjoy. You could also use "gustan" in place of "encantan" but either verb is plural because 2 things ARE pleasing, etc.
The other grammar point is that when you say in English " I have been + verb with hace and a period of time" you will use "hace + period of time and then the verb in the Present Tense."
Therefore literally (word for word) it looks like you are saying: It makes more than 5 years that music and movies ARE pleasing/ARE enjoyable to me.