How do I find the rate law? I did a iodine clock lab but i am having trouble finding the rate law equation as well as the slow and fast reactions. I used these materials:

Solution 1
o 1.0 grams Starch
o 10.0 mL of Acetic Acid
o 4.1 grams of Sodium Acetate
o Sodium Iodide 1, 2, 3
o 1.57 grams of Sodium Thiosulfate
Solution 2
500 mL of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
500 mL of distilled water
500 mL beaker
I mixed the two solutions together and in the course of three trials I increased the sodium iodide concentration while other substances remained constant. Please help.

1 answer

At the moment I am unable to post a link but if you will go to Google and type in rate law for i2 clock reaction, you should be able to go from there.