how do I change the position of a reflective pronouns so that the clause keeps its senses.?
Example: Ellos vienen a despedirse esta noche.
2 answers
I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
There are 2 positions with gerunds (-ndo) and infinitives. You may either put the pronouns (direct, indirect, reflexive) in front of the conjugated verb OR attached to the -ndo + an accent mark or infinitive. You do not get BOTH choices; only ONE of the 2.
Ellos vienen a despedirse esta noche.
Ellos se vienen a despedir esta noche.
If you need more examples, or further explanation, ask questions here. I'll flag this so I can come back later and check.
Ellos vienen a despedirse esta noche.
Ellos se vienen a despedir esta noche.
If you need more examples, or further explanation, ask questions here. I'll flag this so I can come back later and check.