How do economic opportunities lead to social impact? Can you give an example? Maybe education or...? Thank you!
4 answers
A person with a good job lives in a good neighborhood and associates with the neighbors. S/he can also help send the kids to college which helps their social status.
Oh, my goodness. Where to start? The most vivid example would be the Industrial Revolution. Men began working in factories, away from home. When shoes or barrels or whatever were made by hand, the workshops were in the home or on the farm. Women and children were involved in the family business. When that separated from the home, it had a huge impact in how children were raised, who did the raising (mom), etc. Women's roles in society were less equal with the men's, relegated to the home, which became the woman's domain. Men had little to say about it.
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I hope Ms. Sue and I were of some help. :)