How did the Roman empire support its expansion and integrate culture on three continents?
a. The consturuction of roads and bridges facilitated trade and communication.
b. Merchants, artisans, and engineers were granted upper-class status, securing their loyalty
c. Building aqueducts, monuments, and other public works employed more people and generated income.
d. The empire imposed Roman religious beliefs and required subjected peoples to adopt the Latin language.***
Which of the following is significant about the law of nations?
a. It declared people are innocent until proven guilty.
b. It gave citizens the right to a trial by jury.
c. It promoted the rule of law.***
d. It outlined penalties for crimes.
Which reforms by Augustus helped unify the empire and integrate cultures? Select all that apply. (2 choices)
a. He made the senate into an efficient civil service.
b. He allowed cities and provinces a great deal of self-government.***
c. He ordered scholars to collect all provincial laws.
d. He conducted a census to use a basis for fairer taxation.***
7 answers