How can you make a lever?

In this activity. You will lift a hardcover book with a lever made from a marker and ruler.
You need:
-hardcover book
What to do?
1/Tape a marker to the table. Place the ruler across the marker.
2/place a book on one end of the ruler, then lift the book by pushing down on the other end of the ruler.
3/position the ruler at different points to observe where the lever lifts the book highest.
4/Observe: Where was the best place to position the ruler?
My answere:
The best place to position the ruler was end of the ruler.
Please, help me
I want to teach a little sister.

1 answer

If the book is heavy and you want maximum up force on the book then you want your hand far from the roller and the book close to the roller.
if you want to move the book the maximum distance up, place the roller far from the book and close to your hand. That exerts the least up force on the book but moves it the maximum distance up.