How can the three sociological perspectives (e.g., social functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interaction) be used to conceptually understand social deviance?

3 answers

Hmmmm. My prejudice as an engineer is rearing its head.

..."conceptually understand social deviance ?"

I know many folks who conceptually understand relativity, however, when it gets to specifics, there is no understanding.

Good luck with this assignment.
I was an English and social studies teacher, but I agree with Bobpursley.

Let's take a look at the definition of conceptual.
World English Dictionary
conceptual (kənˈsɛptjʊəl)

— adj
1. relating to or concerned with concepts; abstract
2. concerned with the definitions or relations of the concepts of some field of enquiry rather than with the facts

— adv

Why would you want to understand social deviance abstractly, without facts?
One first has to define the society which you are analyzing...Every place has has multiple societies with multiple expectations. Then one would have to define the expectations of each of those societies. This question is too esoteric for even a sociologist of some repute to answer "FACTUALLY"