How can I write my research paper to where my research makes sense?
The first thing you have to do is come up with a point. I saw you were asking a lot of questions about the holocaust (I assume this is the same Brooke), so assume this is what you're writing on?
What, exactly, were you studying about the holocaust? Were you trying to find survivor stories? Were you trying to give an overview of historical events? Where you trying to find stories of victims and what their life was like before Nazi Germany?
Once you get the overall idea of the paper, we can probably help you more with it.
With something like this, I (personally) would start off with a dramatic story you heard and then tie in your point. It's not the only way to do it though...I'm just thinking of my writing style.
I don't know if that idea made sense. Once I know more about what you're writing about, I can help clarify what I mean by that.
Matt for my research paper I mostly concentrating on how victims were affected by the Holocaust.I am also writting about survivors of the Holocaust hid with out being found and how the concentration camps affected survivors.
Your topic -- topics? -- is WAY too broad. You need to narrow it down or else you'll be writing books, not a research paper.
Let us know how you plan to focus your thoughts -- narrowly focus them!
focusing on two or three stories about people who were NOT interred because of others' assistance, flight, conversion, etc. might make a good paper with information added about some who didn't make it. This could be done using the voices of the survivors themselves. Something like: "The German soldiers shot until they ran out of bullets. Later, birds sang as if nothing had happened. Josef remembers pushing off the bodies above him. He looked into his brother's eyes, but they didn't look back. Seven members of Josef's family died that day. Josef crawled up the slope to the road and collapsed. He was lucky. The next person to come by was a Catholic priest."
See how I included the person who survived, those who didn't, and a person who saved the survivor? Of course, you need to have REAL people's memoirs, but you can find many. You also need to make CAREFUL notes so you can use quotations. Make sure you cite your sources properly.