How can I turn my research paper into a speech for my PowerPoint presentation?

3 answers

Since we have no idea about what your research paper contains, we cannot advise you.
“Do NOT put in every word and read it. People like to put every word they are going to say on their PowerPoint® presentation slides. Although this eliminates the need to memorize your talk it makes your slides crowded, wordy, and boring. You will lose your audience before your reach the bottom of the first slide … “
I agree with Anonymous wholeheartedly. I will go further. If you intend to talk about three issues, I don't put all three on the same slide. If you do that the audience is reading points 2 and 3 as well as anything else you have on that slide while you are explaining point 1. In other words they aren't paying attention to you because they are busy processing the other information. What I do is put point 1 on a slide (and read that if you will), followed by point 2 (read that) followed by point 3 and read that. THEN I show a duplicate of point 1 slide and explain all I wish about that followied in order by a duplicate of point 2 slide (with verbal explanations) followed by a duplicate of point 3 slide and verbal explanations. This way the audience is focused on each point as you make it, and they stay focused on the point while you're explaining verbally. Anonymous is right. All of that information on two or three slides distracts the audience. In my career I have seen countless presentations where the speaker uses just two or three slides with gobs and gobs of informatio in a 30 minute presentation. No one listens to the speaker in those cases.