What in the world are you writing about? There's no way we can tell what all this is without seeing the entire paragraph and knowing what the references are.
Clarify and repost.
how can i make this sentece better
If so the boat figuratively seems to be the transportation to heaven. Given that death is experienced alone the next line, “one clear call for me”, endorses that the poet was depicting the scene of passing away and entering heaven.
3 answers
Sorry! This is based on the poem "crossing the bar" by alfred tynsson. So the poem talks about a passenger on a boat crossing the bar. the passenger decribes things that are out of nature, like the waves moving and not moving at the sametime. the readers clearly understand that this passsnegr is not in this real world. later in the story its seen that the passnegr was in fact dead. and that he descibes his enetrance into heaven. the boat represents the thing that travels him to heaven.the piolot of the baot symbollically represents god himself. the reson why "one clear call for me" is imporant for this poem is because dath can only be expereinced alone.
i hope that's this satifys the background knowledge to understand what im trying to get at
i hope that's this satifys the background knowledge to understand what im trying to get at
If so, <~~I don't know what this is referring to. If what is so?
symbolically, the boat is the speaker's transportation to heaven. His death is foretold in the next line, “one clear call for me," as well as his entrance to heaven when he meets his "Pilot face to face."
I hope this helps.
What else are you to do with this poem? It's a wonderful poem, with all kinds of structural and artistic patterns to describe.
symbolically, the boat is the speaker's transportation to heaven. His death is foretold in the next line, “one clear call for me," as well as his entrance to heaven when he meets his "Pilot face to face."
I hope this helps.
What else are you to do with this poem? It's a wonderful poem, with all kinds of structural and artistic patterns to describe.