How can I have a nice order of ideas in my paragraph so it doesn't ramble all over the place?
3 answers
You can use a parallel structure format. You state an attention getter, then introuduce what you're talking about, then a thesis statement. Then the next paragraph start with a topic sentence the write a body paragraph describing the topic sentence. then the last paragraph re-state your thesis then conclude.
Also to make your sentences flow use transistions. Like, first, second, lastly, also, because , however, therefore, and so on...
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Good advice from Miley! A standard paragraph has 5 sentences: first one introducing the topic (and could be the thesis statement, although it is not mandatory that it be at the beginning.) second, third, fourth sentences are making your point; your "proof" for example. fifth and final sentence is your summation. Here the simpliest format:
1. what I'm writing about
2. one thing I have to say about it
3. another thing I have to say about it.
4. third thing I have to say about it.
5. what I've written about!
1. what I'm writing about
2. one thing I have to say about it
3. another thing I have to say about it.
4. third thing I have to say about it.
5. what I've written about!