depending what type of information you are requireing about.
If you have their number and want their address. Go to m_s_n etc. then go to the link white pages and it will direct you there.
How can I find a person online? Not like one of those "find what happened to your high school classmates" kinda sites, though.
3 answers
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. If, for example, you have AOL, you can click on "People" on the toolbar, slide down to "Locate a Member Online" or go to the Membership Directory. Other than that, there are sites online where you enter the name for address, e-mail, phone number OR "reverse directory" where you can enter the telephone number for the other information. However, those sites cost money.
You can also Google the name and hometown. I'm amazed what I found about myself this way.