How about making pasta?
1. Well, with your help, I can do that.
2. Well, if you help me, I can do that.
(Are both the same?)
3. With your help, I could do that.
4. If you helped me, I could do that.
(Are both the same?)
5. With your help, I could have done that.
6. If you had helped me, I could have done that.
(Are both the same?)
7. Always be honest.
8. Be always honest.
9. Be honest always.
(Which one is grammatical?)
1 answer
Yes, each pair means the same thing, 1 & 2, 3 & 4, etc. Seven, eight and nine are all correct grammar. #8 is a bit stiff or awkward, but is correct. #7 is how we would most likely say it.