
What is a general way to reflect on an cartoon? I have some rough ideas like talking about perspective of the artist and the portrayal but I'm not sure if i'm missing something.


4 answers

There are almost always (if not always!) caricatures in a political cartoon. Look for them, describe them, and explain why you think the artist included them.

What other types of cartoons are you dealing with?
Its a czechslovakian cartoon depicting a kulak seeming to proudly lift a russians chin but the shadows show him strangling him.

The second is a Herblock pulitzer winner - the grim reaper greating Stalin saying 'you were always a great friend of mine, Joseph'
With my czechslovakian I think its portraying the Kulaks as vicious murderers that shouldn't be trusted even if they look nice and jolly. I think it was used to garner support for dekulakisation. The date is a 'circa' date so it might have been used to fuel hatred which would have made dekulakisation easier.

My Herblock one I think is really good as it captures the esscence of Stalins purges, famine in the ukraine, dekulakisation everthing - the fact that his life dealt with death is so poignant.
Your interpretations sound good. It would help if I could see them, though.