This is undoubtedly something you will not find online, unless through a very specialized research librarian at a university library.
My suggestion is that you FIND such a library and go there -- or locate one and call them.
Not everything is available online, you know.
Theres this cartoon, it says:
Kulak je nejzavilejsi nepritel socialismu.
It shows a small fat man lifting up the cheek of a taller man as if he likes him. The shadow shows the fat man chocking the thin man and instead of a torch/candle behind him he is carrying a knife dripping with blood.
I need help finding this cartoon online and its original details.
2 answers
I have found the cartoon on a website, but not the original details.
It says LEV HAUS, do not trust the Kulak he is the enemy of socialism in the caption.
It says LEV HAUS, do not trust the Kulak he is the enemy of socialism in the caption.