Hi there, can anyone pls help me with AFK1503/101 - 2015. I am seeking an English version of this assignment pls, is there an English one available? if there is pls provide me with a website address to get access.

Thank you.

5 answers

Is this what you need?

Kommunikasiegapings = gaps in communication

flaaitaal = street talk (Vlaai is a baked good in the Netherlands)
Oh my:
I see the following:
11.5.4 Afrikaans is nie my moedertaal nie. Mag ek die werkopdragte en die eksamenvraestel inEngels beantwoord?
AFK1053 is ‘n module wat gemik is op die verbetering van studente se Afrikaanse taalvaardighedeten opsigte van lees, luister, interpretasie, praat en skryf. Die werkopdragte en vraestel kan dusslegs in Afrikaans beantwoord word.
Which means this subject is about communicating in Afrikaans even if English is your native language and therefore everything must be done in Afrikaans
Thank you for replying my question.
niets te danke :)