Hi the following sentences are basically unscrambling them in the first place and then putting the sentence in order. If when looking through my unscrambled sentences and you see something wrong with the grammar or something of that nature that does not make the sentence understandable please once you have left your answer tell me the correct response and why my answer was not correct. Thanks for your time and help!
Here are the sentences scrambled and the sentences I came up with once I unscrambled the sentences :
1.il / être / important / Mathilde / parler / au professeur de français
My unscrambled sentence: Mathilde parler au professeur de français être il important.
2. il / être / nécessaire / Florence / et / sa meilleure amie / acheter / leurs billets d'avion
My unscrambled sentence: Florence et sa meilleure amie acheter leurs billets d'avion il nécessaire
3. il / être / bon / je / partir / mercredi matin / au plus tard
My unscrambled sentence: Au plus tard je il être bon partir mercredi matin.
4. il / être / essentiel / tu / vendre / ta vieille voiture
My unscrambled sentence: Tu vendre ta vieille voiture il être essentiel
5. il / falloir / nous / nettoyer / la maison
My unscrambled sentence: Nous falloir nettoyer il la maison
6. il / valoir mieux / vous / appeler / le propriétaire
My unscrambled sentence: Le propriétarie appeler il valoir mieux vouz
7. il / être / important / Farid / enlever / son vélo / du garage
My unscrambled sentence :Il être important Farid enlever son vélo du garage
8. il / être / essentiel / je / obtenir / un visa / pour la Tunisie
My unscrambled sentence: Il être essentiel je obtenir un visa pour la Tunisie.
1 answer
1. Look at the scrambled sentence & look up any words you do not kn ow.
2. Write what you believe to be the correct French sentence.
3. Translate it into English, because it MUST make sense in both languages.
1. Here is what you have written:
Mathide to talk to the French teacher to be it is important. Now, ask yourself: Is that a good English sentence? If it is not, and it IS NOT, it's not correct.
Il est important que Mathilde parle au professeur de français.
In this exercise you have to know enough to change a verb or add a clause relator "que" etc. You can not keep "parler" in the infinitive unless you do this (direct address), speaking to Mathide.
Mathide, il est important parler, etc.
2. Were you given an example/model so you would know which to do? Are you studying the Subjunctive? "Il est important QUE" would require the Subjunctive.
Translate THAT one. Would you end the English sentence that way? I hope not, unless you are not a clear thinker.
Il est néessaire que Florence et sa meilleure amie achètent leurs billets d'avion
It LOOKS like you are studying the Subjunctive, but you should TELL me th at sort of thing FIRST.
Now, study the 3 sentences I did for you and THEN try #4 = 8. Let's see if you are learning and improving.
Sra (aka Mme)