Hi, Im learning about polymers. I did a lab to make slime where I mixed PVA glue & water. I then added borax to some water in another container, and the poured off the water from the wet borax. I then added the borax to the glue/water solution. I have to make a procedure that will produce a more runny slime, so I figured that I should add less water TO THE BORAX, because a condensation polymer is happening( I think????) and they become stronger with more intermolecular bonds (formed form the H atoms in the water)...Is my thinking right?
3 answers
This is a great opportunity for you to experiment. The slime I have seen made usually becomes harder with more kneading; therefore, I would try more water as a separate experiment.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN MORE KNEADING? and that would cause it to become harder right and not as runny? so if I kneaded less it would be runnier? if so why is this?