What about the use of force or profiling minorities in a police force?
How about the dilemma when a person in a political party doesn't like the party's nominee for president?
Or there's petty theft in an office. Is it o.k. to take a few paper clips home? How about a chair? How about cash?
Hi, I'm in need of a topic to research having to do with an ethical dilemma within an organization. I got to relate it to ethical principles of communication from Immanuael Kant for example. The topic of choice should be a recent event or issue in the media. Any topic ideas would be appreciated! Thank you!
3 answers
Or you are a teacher who is supposed to cover a set curricula in a year, yet two of your students are not getting it at that pace?
How about people who demand freedom to practice their religious beliefs, then protest when a mosque or synagogue is proposed in their community because they don't believe in Islam or Judaism?