
I would like to know if I have the right answer because I searched on the web. The question is what countries involved in World War I? What alliances existed?

The countries involved in World War I was Russia, France, Italy, and Britain, Portugal, Japan, Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. The central power is one alliance that included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. The allies were another alliance that included, France, Italy, and Britain, Portugal, and Japan.

In this webpage, scroll down until you see the lists of Combatants on the right. The US was among the Allied powers; Germany and others were among the "Central Powers."

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_war_II <~~In this webpage/website, you'll see where Japan figured -- different war.

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"The countries WAS . . ." should be "The countries WERE . . . Often when you separate the subject from the verb, omit the intervening words so you can verify the number of the verb = singular or plural.

1 answer

You have the correct answer. The countries involved in World War I include Russia, France, Italy, Britain, Portugal, Japan, Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. The two major alliances were the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire) and the Allies (France, Italy, Britain, Portugal, and Japan). In addition, the United States eventually joined the Allied Powers.