Hi, I was wondering if the world is going to change for Muslims now. You know after the Paris attacks and other stuff. I am a bit scared. I obviously do not support terrorism. But its not their fault. I don't think if someone from a religious group does something bad, then the entire religious group should be blamed for it. That's not fair. Plus terrorist have no religion. No religion tells you to go and kill other innocent people who've done nothing. And according to the stuff I've learned about Islam, Islam is a peaceful religion and tells you to help others and be kind, not to go and kill innocent people. If someone is doing this then I don't think they should be considered Muslim or from any other religion, they should just simply be called a terrorist. We should not mistreat people who are from the same religion or race as a terrorist. We should understand its not there fault and stand up for them if they are being mistreated. After all mistreating them is considered bullying, and I've learned that bullying is an unacceptable behavior and should be stopped immediately. If you aren't standing up for these people (not only Muslims but also people from other beliefs and races who are being mistreated just cause some people or someone from the same race or religion as them has decided to become a terrorist and kill a bunch of innocent people for no sensible reason at all), then you are a bystander.
PS. I am a kid and this is from what I have learned in school and from my own experience.
5 answers
Do you have a question for us? (Your little essay is quite good, but needs some grammar work.)
Good for you! I wish a lot of adults were as wise as you.
Are you aware of Pastor Niemoeller's words?
Are you aware of Pastor Niemoeller's words?
Yes, I also wish some adults were as wise as you are. :)
Thank you for your replies. I will work on fixing the grammar Reed. And Ms. Sue thanks for the link. I read the article about Martin Niemöller, it was very helpful. I have decided to go to the library and get his book "Of Guilt and Hope".
You're welcome. :-)