Sorry, I was unable to use the computer yesterday and today until now.
1. reflexive verb = see "te sentiste?" that means you need "Yo me sentí"
3. mamá = accent
4. "personal a" when there is a person as a direct object = Sí, yo visité a mi familia
5. estudié en la escuela (slightly better)
6. What did y ou eat the week yesterday = something very wrong in the question. Either ayer = yesterday or la semana pasada = last week. Yo comí...
Hi I posted early and got a response but the correction suggested can't be corret. Could someone please check these answers-I had to answer in past tense--
Could some one please check these-I had to answer them in the past tense which is still confusing me-I think most of them are correct-Thank you
1.¿Comó te sentiste ayer?
Yo sentí muy bien.
2. ¿Adonde fuiste ayer?
Yo fui al cine.
3. ¿Adonde fue tu mama ayer?
Mi mama fue a la tienda.
4. ¿Visitaste a tu familia la semana pasada?
Sí, yo visité mi familia la semana pasada.
5. ¿Donde estudiaste ayer?
Yo estudié al escuela.
6. ¿Qué comiste la semana ayer?
I don't know what this is asking-what did I eat last week or yesterday? I'm not sure how to answer this
1 answer