
I need more help. I need to know if I diagrammed these sentences correctly.

Edith drew some orange flowers on the side of the house.

Edith......Flowers (drew,some,orange).......(On)......Side (the)...(Of)....House (the)

Final:Noun, Noun, (preposition), Noun, (preposition), Noun

I don't think I did the above sentence correctly.

Gary saw Mavis with his binoculars.
Gary.......Mavis (saw).......Binoculars (with, his)

There are two ways this sentence can be done? Is the 'saw' connected to Gary or Mavis or could it be either or?

2 answers

I also need help with figuring how to draw certain things like the 'of' and 'on' in the first sentence.
This site will show you how those sentences should be diagrammed.
