Yes, you need to correct the sentences where the verb and complements do not agree.
"Ce sont" is followed by a noun in plural, and "C'est" is followed by a singular noun.
Ce sont des carottes. (Ce sont....plural)
C'est un hamburger. (C'est ... singular)
That is to say, subject must agree with complement.
Also, read carefully the question/hints to see if a singular or plural answer is required.
If the question is "Ce sont des légumes...", then it is expecting an answer in plural.
For number 6, rice is not usually used as a condiment. Hint: some condiments are filled in two small bottles and placed on dining tables in some restaurants.
Finally, you may want to post the instructions for answering as well. For example, there is no grammatical mistake with answer to #4, but it was marked incorrect. Is it because a complete sentence is not expected, or something else?
I need help with answering some questions for French
Here's my work on them tell me what you came up with for each question that is incorrect:
1.C'est un plat typiquement français. On les prépare avec du beurre et de l'ail. Ce sont un escargot (incorrect)
3.Ce sont des légumes orange et longs. Ce sont une carotte (incorrect)
4.On les utilise pour faire des omelettes. Ce sont des oeufs. (incorrect)
6.On l'utilise comme condiment. C'est petit et blanc. C'est le riz(incorrect)
Please help me get the correct answer.
3 answers
4. œufs not oeuf
6. l'ail (garlic)
3. carottes
6. l'ail (garlic)
3. carottes
1. escargots