Here is a great site on how to go about organizing an essay.
Hi i have to do an essay. i have already done all the research but i don't know how to organize my essay. Can someone help me. The question is
Was the American Revolution an accelerated evolution rather than a cataclysmic revolution? Evaluate the accuracy of both of these descriptions and then further evaluate the relative importance of the following as factors prompting Americans to rebel in 1776:
parliamentary taxation
restriction of civil liberties
British military measures
the legacy of colonial religious and political ideas
Thank you very much
8 answers
no its that i am confused about the question and which part to focus on
First define each of the options. What is accelerated evolution - What is a cataclysmic revolution? Then decide which the Revolution was. Then use each of the 4 criteria you have been given to support your thesis.
Your thesis sentence should answer this question: "Was the American Revolution an accelerated revolution rather than a cataclysmic revolution?"
After you decide whether you think the Revolution was an accelerated revolution or a cataclysmic revolutioon, write your thesis statement. Then support your position by including the four listed factors. Devote one or more paragraphs to each one.
After you decide whether you think the Revolution was an accelerated revolution or a cataclysmic revolutioon, write your thesis statement. Then support your position by including the four listed factors. Devote one or more paragraphs to each one.
should i have a body phargraph discussing how it can be accelerated evolution and how it can be a cataclysmic revolution or should but that in the other 4 body phargraphs
You have to decide first which it was, then use the body paragraphs to support that decision.
if i decide it is accelerated evolution do i have to mention how it could be considered cataclysmic revolution
Yes. "Evaluate the accuracy of both of these descriptions . . ."
You'll need to also briefly discuss why you don't think it was a cataclysmic revolution.
You'll need to also briefly discuss why you don't think it was a cataclysmic revolution.