
I desperately need help with double object pronouns in French. Here are questions that I am working on and I can't make heads nor tails of them:

L'agence de voyages a envoyé les billets d'avion à mes parents.

Mes parents ont acheté de grandes valises rouges à ma sœur et à moi.

Nous avons demandé nos visas aux différents consulats.

J'ai donné mon appareil photo numérique (digital camera) à mon père.

Je vais apporter le cadeau que j'ai acheté à mon correspondant français.

J'ai proposé la visite des châteaux de la Loire à mes parents.

Mon amie a prêté son caméscope à ma sœur.

Mes grands-parents ont offert le Guide du Routard à mes parents.

Here is what I think number 2 is : Mes parents achete les leur a mi soeur et a moi.

For number 3 I have: Nous avons demande les leur visas aux différents consulats.

For number 4 I have : J'ai donne le leur a mon pere.

For number 5 I have :J'ai vais apporter que achete le leur à mon correspondant français.

For number 6 I have: J'ai proposé la visite des les leur a mes parents.

For number 7 I have no clue but here is the question:Mon amie a prêté son caméscope à ma sœur.

For number 8 I have : Mes grand-parents leur offert le Guide du Routard à mes parents.

If I have done something wrong, explain what I did wrong, and if possible can you please correct my mistakes in my answers if there are any. That would be fantastic thank you

3 answers

I'll send this to one of our French experts -- SraJMcGin.
Did you study each Review Sheet carefully? The placement is very importantt. When in doubt, Object Prtonouns usually go in FRONT of the conjugated verb. When #2 uses the Passé Composé, you must keep that.

#2. Mes parents nous les ont achetés.
NOTE: Have you studied "en?" Because of the "de" = some, it is really the Partitive, requiring "en" in this case. (Mes parents nous en ont acheté.

#3. Obviously you did not note where I placed the Object Pronouns in #1! If you merely expecting that I would provide the answers for you, that is NOT "teaching." Step 1 = Review, Step 2 = Give Example(s), Step 3 = Have the student try first. Step 4 = Correct that and explain why. (Nous les leur avons demandés (dont't forget the accent on the Past Participle "é")

#4. First thing I no tice is 2 missing accent marks (one aigu, one grave) and an incorrect position of the Object Pronouns. Also you made the Indirect Object plural, when it is clearly singular. (Je le lui ai donné.)

#5. What a jumbled word order. Either you are NOT prepared for the course you are taking, or I wasted my time trying to provide all the tools you need to do this course.

There are 2 verbs here in 2 tenses. It is "aller"+ Infinitive." followed by the Passé Composé. = Je vais le (replacing le cadeau) apporter que je lui ai acheté.

#6. After you have written the French, when you translate it into English, it must make sense! Here is the English of what you wrote = I have proposed the visitt of/from them to them tto my parents. Here is what it is supposed to s ay: I proposed it to them. = Je la leur ai proposée. (Extra "e" on the Past Participle because the preceding direct object pronoun is feminine.)

#7. If you have no clue on this one, it's because you have no clue on any of them. = Mon amie le lui a prêté.

#8. Find the 2 nouns (direct & indirect) FIRST and then replace them with the pronouns. Mes grand-parents le leur ont offert. You forgot the auxiliary/helping verb, or the first half, of the Passé Composé but came closer with "leur" in front of the verb.

This also is flagged so I'll come back again to see what questions/concerns you might have. You do NOT yet have the "idea" of this assignment.

Sra (aka Mme)
No Response. I am deleting this.
Sra (aka Mme)
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