Oh no Katie Kae B. I'm so sorry that that happened to you. If that happen to me I would want to cry. This may be a good thing and a bad thing
-It's bad your mother turned off your computer, but this gives you a chance to redo your answers and be more confident with them.
-But, your mother had no business coming into YOUR room and, turning off YOUR computer, unless it was an emergency, then that's another story...
My comforting words of encouragement
You can do ANYTHING your put your mind to!
You are unstoppable!
Don't let the little things in life get you down!
You are loved and you are great at what you do!
Happy Valentines day!
-🐶Puppy Lover Girl🐶
Hi. I am really sad and in need of cheering up. Why am I sad? well, the story goes like this, so I was doing my schoolwork and I was working on this really big test, I mean it makes up like half of my science grade. So I was done with it I was just checking it over, making sure I was confident in all my answers when all of a sudden, my mom comes out of nowhere and just TURNS OFF MY COMPUTER!!!!!! AND MY TEST DIDN'T SAVE!!!!! 😭😭😭So now I am crying in my room and I just really need comfort. If you could spare some kindness I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Love, Katie Kae B.
5 answers
Thank you so much for your encouragement! I was really sad and your comment made me feel so much better! Thank you so, so, so much. And Happy Valentines Day!
Love, Katie, Kae, B
Love, Katie, Kae, B
oof im sorry why would she do that