Here is a great site, complete with music for them to sing along to. In addition, I would make some bones out of cardboard and use a coat hanger as a base. Using paper clips to attach them, give each child a bone to attach as you sing the song. After you finish the song for the first time, then name the bones out loud and then replay the song and take the bones off the hanger.
hi! I am doing tomorrow a chant (body parts) with young learners of english as a foreign language.They need to sing and show the mentioned body parts.Well my question is how can I work on pronunciation awareness?(what can i do beside hand clapping)
3 answers
Looks great!!I will definitely use it one day!But I already have a chant and now need to think of a task through which I can work on their pronunciation awareness.Pronunciation is here important.Any ideas?
Use the cardboard bones and let the children say the names of the bones as they put the skeleton together. Then you can ask them what sound begins Bone and Leg and Toe and Hip etc.