Hi I am doing a report on manas natianal park. and how it got on the world heritage site. but i cant find anything on iti have to answer these question
Describe the diversity of life forms found in the area.
Describe the biological interrelationships among the life forms in the area
how people are threating the area
what is being done to stop the threat on the ecosystem by humans
any help would be great I really just need to know where to find the infor
4 answers
thank you but these are mostly travel sites and can not use but thank you for your help.
Describe the diversity of life forms found in the area.
Apparently, you didn't check out or read through the very first link among those search results. Flora. Fauna. And, as with any of the Wikipedia articles, you MUST check out the External Links at the bottom of the webpage. Read, and search some more.
Describe the biological interrelationships among the life forms in the area
You'll need to draw these conclusions for yourself -- if know what those life forms (flora, fauna) are.
how people are threating the area
Do you mean "treating"? I don't know what "threating" means.
what is being done to stop the threat on the ecosystem by humans
Again -- read that first article in the search results -- and go through the External Links at the bottom.
It doesn't sound to me as if you've gone through any of these links. There's no way you could have read through even some of them in the 15 minutes between my post and your reply.
And if you need more information, then you need to keep searching. If you need help learning how to search, including how to choose good search terms, go here and scroll down to the links under HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET:
Apparently, you didn't check out or read through the very first link among those search results. Flora. Fauna. And, as with any of the Wikipedia articles, you MUST check out the External Links at the bottom of the webpage. Read, and search some more.
Describe the biological interrelationships among the life forms in the area
You'll need to draw these conclusions for yourself -- if know what those life forms (flora, fauna) are.
how people are threating the area
Do you mean "treating"? I don't know what "threating" means.
what is being done to stop the threat on the ecosystem by humans
Again -- read that first article in the search results -- and go through the External Links at the bottom.
It doesn't sound to me as if you've gone through any of these links. There's no way you could have read through even some of them in the 15 minutes between my post and your reply.
And if you need more information, then you need to keep searching. If you need help learning how to search, including how to choose good search terms, go here and scroll down to the links under HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET:
because those are the same sites I pulled up and they all are not accredited i didn't want the answer just where to find them. thank you for your help