Hi! Can someone check these for me to see if I'm doing them right? Thank you!

Directions Re-write the commands in Spanish using object pronouns. Also, the words in parentheses are saying who you are talking to.

1.) (sister) Wash the dishes for me!
My answer: Lavaba los platos para mí!

2.) (teacher) Say the vocabulary!
My answer: Digamos que el vocabulario!

3.) (you all) Cook the food!
My answer: Cocinaba la comida!

4.) Let’s study!
My answer: Vamos a estudiar!

5.) Let’s study the vocabulary for the teacher!
My answer: Vamos a estudiar el vocabulario para el profesor!

8 answers

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
Unfortunately you did not follow the instructions. #1, #3 both have the Imperfect. Because it says to "rewrite" the commands, the verbs should all be in the command form.

1. This is the tú command because you are talking to your sister. The tú command, if it is regular, should look like the él/ella/usted form of the verb. = Lava los platos para mí. Now replace the noun with the object pronoun. = Lávalos para mí. You can also use the Indirect Object Pronoun rather than the preposition + prepositional pronoun (para mí.) = Lávamelos. I believe your teacher would prefer the last answer.

2. Now, speaking to the teacher, you need the formal Ud. com mand = Diga el vocabulario. Then changed with the Object Pronoun instead of the noun = Dígalo. (Don't forget the necessary accent marks.)

3. You all means the formal, plural Ustedes com mand. = Cocinen la comida. Then that becomes = Cocínenla.

#4 & #5. Not knowing your teacher OR your textbook, I don't know if you have learned/used the "let's" form from the Subjunctive. You may be fine with Vamos + a + infinitive.

4. Vamos a estudiar is fine BEFORE you learn the commands. Now the "let's command" is = Estudiemos.

5. Here is another "let's" command = Estudiemos el vocabulario para el profesor. Replacing the Direct Object noun with the pronoun = Estudiémoslo para el profesor. Keeping what you have and replacing the noun = either Vamos a estudiarlo OR Lo vamos a estudiar. If you want to include the Indirect Object Pronoun as well = either Vamos a estudiárselo OR Se lo vamos a estudiar.

I'll flag this so I can come back to see exactly what your teacher wanted and/or to answer any further questions. It is always best to give an example (modelo) of what is desired before you attempt the exercise.


(PS correct English in the Directions would be = .....saying whom you are talking to OR ...saying to whom you are talking. YOU is the subject and WHOM is the Object.)
Hi! Okay so I got a little confused for #4 and #5. So for #4 it would be "Vamos a estudiemos!" or just "Estudiemos"? And then for #5 is it "Vamos a estudiárselo"?
Also, would it be okay if you checked these 4 I got today to practice? It's dealing with the same thing as before.

1.) (you all) Don’t cook the food!
My answer: No cocine la comida!

2.) (friend) Don’t cook the food for me!
My answer: No cocine la comida para mí!

3.) (chef) Cook the food for us!
My answer: Cocine la comida para nosotros!

4.) (friend) Don’t tell me!
My answer: No me digas!
1. "you all" means the plural, or "ustedes" form = No cocinen la comida = No la cocinen.

2. "friend" means you are on a first-name basis, or the tú form = No cocines la comida para mí = No me la cocines. (IF you are to use double object pronouns)

3. correct, but if you are still to use object pronouns, you must end up with = Cocínenosla (OR Cocínela)

*You still need to tell me if you are working with a single object pronoun (the direct-object pronouns = lo, la, los, las) OR double object pronouns = one indirect object saying for or to whom + the direct object pronoun (it, them)

4. Correct.

Again, I'll flag this and come back later to see if you understood everything.
Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot to mention that in my previous posts; we're learning "single object pronouns".
1.) (sister) Wash the dishes for me!
My answer: Mi Hermana lavaba mis platos.
2(teacher) Say the vocabulary!
My answer: La profesora (female) o el profesor(male) Dictaba el vocabulario

3. (you all) Cook the food!
My answer: Todos ustedes cocinaron!
4.-Let’s study!
My answer: Vamos a estudiar

5.Let’s study the vocabulary for the teacher!
My answer: Vamos a estudiar el vocabulario para el profesor!
Maribel, you need commands, not the imperfect tense.
1. Hermana, lava mis platos = Lávalos.

2. Profesora, diga el vocabulario = dígalo.

3. Uds, cocinen la comida = cocínenla.

4. OK

5. OK If you are required to have a direct object pronoun = Vamos a estudiarlo OR Lo vamos a estudiar (with an infinitive & a gerund or -ndo form you can put object pronouns EITHER in front of the con jugated verb or attached to the in finitive.


P.S. Because this was Paula's post, you should do you own.