As the basis of a comparison/contrast paper, this is fine.
Once you've written up these sections, you'll have the rough draft of the body of your paper. After you have revised and streamlined these sections, then you'll be ready to write an introduction and a conclusion for the paper.
Here are two excellent websites for helping you with the writing process, as well as grammar and usage:
hi can anyone help me with this paper? this is the basis of the paper
I. Statement of Aristotle’s Metaphysical Proposal
A. Aristotle’s argument in favor an Absolute Being
B. Nature of Aristotle’s Absolute
C. The relation of his Absolute to the realm of material substances
II. Statement of Rielo’s Metaphysical Proposal
A. Rielo’s argument in favor of his Absolute Subject
B. Nature of Rielo’s Absolute
C. The relation of his Absolute to the realm of nature (include the
relation of the Absolute Subject to the human person)
III. Evaluate the two proposals (which do you find most convincing and
1 answer