Don't be frightened! Take what you truly like and that you believe will help you in your future. Then, do your best! When you are finished with that course, you will know for sure if it IS for you and your future or not! True, IB courses are an "in depth" study so you just "buckle down" and you will learn a lot!
Sra (a former IB teacher and examiner)
Hey there all! Im desperate for some advice on my subjects at IB! I have decided on chem bio higher and english spanish standard. I am battling between Maths and Economics higher! I really like Maths and had decided to take it but now that I told people my options everyones freaking me out saying oh my gosh ur gonna suffer struggle itll be too much work! I am really freaked out..I LOVE math I cant stress on how much I like it I really want to take it. I've been a regular A student, very rarely B but people have scared me now.Help me please
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