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hey, i have a question in which i need to know for and against points for a statement. this it the statement:
'Pilgrimage is a waste of money',
its hard for me to think of since i dont think it is a waste and i need points saying why some may think it is a waste of money. also please link this to islam and christianity, thanks x
2 answers
Thanks, for points against the statement i wrote :
-some may want to strengthen their faith, and be closer to god - it can be a powerful experience that changes the way people think of their religion and make them think about their religion and the way they act in a positive way
-some may believe if god has told you to do it (as it is a pillar in islam) and accept and believe something good will come out of it
to support the point i wrote :
-some may feel that their faith is strong enough and pilgrimage is unnecessary
-some people may have a weak faith and think pilgrimage is not beneficial
-some may believe there are other ways of strengthening faith like following the 10 commandments or the other 5 pillars which don't waste money but still make you closer to god - effect of pilgrimage may wear off but praying can have a lasting effect
-some may want to strengthen their faith, and be closer to god - it can be a powerful experience that changes the way people think of their religion and make them think about their religion and the way they act in a positive way
-some may believe if god has told you to do it (as it is a pillar in islam) and accept and believe something good will come out of it
to support the point i wrote :
-some may feel that their faith is strong enough and pilgrimage is unnecessary
-some people may have a weak faith and think pilgrimage is not beneficial
-some may believe there are other ways of strengthening faith like following the 10 commandments or the other 5 pillars which don't waste money but still make you closer to god - effect of pilgrimage may wear off but praying can have a lasting effect