hey i did the following and the bottom bottom is my teachers comment i really need help in correcting them plazz i need the corrections asap :( before i fail
Each of the following exercises shows the original source, and then a student’s sentence and/or citation about that source. Each sentence and each citation has at least one thing wrong with it (most have more than one). Correct each of them
Source C: An article in the Chicago Tribune entitled “Happiness is Contagious, New Study Finds.” It was written by Judith Graham and published in the December 4th edition. No page number is listed, but it’s in the “Health” section. The website is;
Original Paragraphs:
You may think your attentive spouse, your loving children, and your good friends are what make you happy. But something else may be going on: The people they're connected with are making you happy too.
So suggests a new study proposing that happiness is transmitted through social networks, almost like a germ is spread through personal contact. The research was published Thursday in BMJ, a British medical journal.
It's the latest in a growing body of work investigating how our social connections--neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, fellow congregants at church and other associates--affect us. The premise is that we live in a social environment that shapes what we do and how we think and feel.
7. Student’s Sentence:
A 2008 study suggested that happiness can be spread “like a germ through social networks of friends and family” (Graham 1)
8. Student’s Sentence:
You might believe that your loving husband or wife, your doting progeny, and your intimate associates create your happiness. It may be that something else is going on: their intimate associates might be having an effect on you, too (Graham).
9. Student’s Works Cited Citation:
Judith Graham. “Happiness is Contagious, New Study Finds.” Chicago Tribune.
c o m.> Chicago Tribune, December 4, 2008. December 16, 2008.
my work is :
7. Student’s Sentence:
A 2008 study suggested that happiness can be spread “like a germ through social networks of friends and family” (Graham 1)
7. "A 2008 study suggested that happiness can be spread like a germ through social networks of friends and family” (Graham).
8. Student’s Sentence:
You might believe that your loving husband or wife, your doting progeny, and your intimate associates create your happiness. It may be that something else is going on: their intimate associates might be having an effect on you, too (Graham).
"You might believe that your loving husband or wife, your doting progeny, and your intimate associates create your happiness. It may be that something else is going on: their intimate associates might be having an effect on you, too" (Graham).
9. Student’s Works Cited Citation:
Judith Graham. “Happiness is Contagious, New Study Finds.” Chicago Tribune .{com}. Chicago Tribune, December 4, 2008. December 16, 2008.
9- Judith, Graham. “Happiness is Contagious:New Study Finds.” Chicago Tribune: Health (4 December 2008) December 16, 2008.
teachers comment :
7. Not all of this is a direct quote. Only some words and phrases are. You can fix this either by quoting those word and phrases or by rephrasing them.
8. This is not a direct quote, but a paraphrase that is too close to the original. You can fix this by reverting to a direct quote or (preferably) by rewriting the sentence so that it is more in your own words.
9. The author's name isn't in the right order here, and there's something missing at the end. Also, "Chicago Tribune" should be in italics.
9 answers
Your teacher's directions are clear: either quote the words directly from the original and keep the quotation marks, or rephrase into YOUR OWN WORDS and delete the quotation marks.
8. This is not a direct quote, but a paraphrase that is too close to the original. You can fix this by reverting to a direct quote or (preferably) by rewriting the sentence so that it is more in your own words.
Your teacher's directions are clear: either quote the words directly from the original and keep the quotation marks, or rephrase into YOUR OWN WORDS and delete the quotation marks.
9. The author's name isn't in the right order here, and there's something missing at the end. Also, "Chicago Tribune" should be in italics.
Put the author's last name first, a comma, then the first name and a period. And then make sure the name of the newspaper is in italics. Like this:
Judith, Graham. “Happiness is Contagious:New Study Finds.” Chicago Tribune: Health (4 Dec 2008) 16 Dec 2008.
Graham,Judith.“Happiness is Contagious:New Study Finds.” Chicago Tribune: Health (4 Dec 2008) 16 Dec 2008.
<chicagotribune.c o m/features/health/chi-081204happiness,0,6297377.story>
Make sure there's a space after every comma and period and colon (except in the URL, of course). And make sure the name of the newspaper is in italics.
... (4 Dec 2008) 16 Dec 2008.
<chicagotribune.c o m/features/health/chi-081204happiness,0,6297377.story>.
<chicagotribune.c o m/features/health/chi-081204happiness,0,6297377.story>.
is this correct now
"So suggests a new study proposing that happiness is transmitted through social networks, almost like a germ is spread through personal contact. The research was published Thursday in BMJ, a British medical journal "(Graham).
"You may think your attentive spouse, your loving children, and your good friends are what make you happy. But something else may be going on: The people they're connected with are making you happy too." (Graham).