hey i corrected this i was wondering if what i did was correct and am still stuck on to of them.

Each of the following exercises shows the original source, and then a student’s sentence and/or citation about that source. Each sentence and each citation has at least one thing wrong with it (most have more than one). Correct each of them

A book entitled The History of Food by Mageulonne Toussaint-Samat, translated by Anthea Bell. This version was published in 2003 by Barnes and Noble Books in New York. This paragraph comes from page 665.

Original Paragraph:

While the orange groves of Florida gradually became the marvels of good management and high yield they are today, a Spanish missionary reached the West, and in 1707 he planted the ancestor of the orange trees of California. However, it was not until 1848 that planting on a large scale really began, on a site which is now a railway station in the middle of Los Angeles. In that year California was overtaken by the tidal wave of the Gold Rush. While adventurers of every kind gave themselves up to the frenzied search for gold, wiser pioneers – growers of citrus fruits – realized that the beautiful, bright oranges were better gold than the metal mined from the ground.

4. Student’s sentence:

Orange trees were first planted by a Spanish missionary who reached the West in 1707, although they didn’t really take off as a farm crop until 1848 during the Gold Rush (Bell 665).

5. Student’s sentence:

In her book The History of Food, Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat claims that the orange tree in California didn’t become a staple until the adventurous spirit of the Gold Rush took over in 1848.

In her book "The History of Food," Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat claims that the orange tree in California didn’t become a staple until the adventurous spirit of the Gold Rush took over in 1848.(655)
Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne. The History of Food. Trans. Anthea Bell. Barnes and Noble: New York. 2003

Toussaint-Samat,Mageulonne."The History of Food." Newyork:Barnes,2003.Noble Books.

10 answers

#4 is now correct.

The second #5 is not correct.

The first #5 will be correct if the title of the book is in italics or underlined, and if you give the page number (not the author's last name) at the end of the sentence. Note that the period ending the sentence goes AFTER the closing parentheses.

#6 is not correct.
In addition to the link I gave you yesterday for MLA guidelines, this might help, too:

(Broken Link Removed)

In the website above, hold your cursor over the words CITING SOURCES in the left column and then click on whatever type of source you need help with. Many examples will show up. You will get two examples for each type of reference – one for the Works Cited page and one for the parenthetical (in-text) citation.
i didn't correct #4 yet how is it correct 4 is confusing
number 6 i corrected it as
Toussaint-Samat,Mageulonne."The History of Food." Newyork:Barnes,2003.Noble Books.

it was

Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne. The History of Food. Trans. Anthea Bell. Barnes and Noble: New York. 2003

there isn't two number 5s the original one that i need to correct is on the top my correction is on the bottom :) this is reaaaaaallly confusing
Toussaint-Samat,Mageulonne."The History of Food". Newyork:Barnes,2003.Noble Books.
#5 my corrected one is
In her book The History of Food, Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat claims that the orange tree in California didn’t become a staple until the adventurous spirit of the Gold Rush took over in 1848.(655)

i cant seem to underline the title when i post it it goes away

the original #5 that needs to be corrected is
In her book The History of Food, Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat claims that the orange tree in California didn’t become a staple until the adventurous spirit of the Gold Rush took over in 1848.
Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne. The History of Food. Trans. Anthea Bell. newyork: Barnes and Noble ,2003.
OK, I'll post them as they should be. And you're right -- #4 needs to be fixed!

Corrected ~

4. Orange trees were first planted by a Spanish missionary who reached the West in 1707, although they didn’t really take off as a farm crop until 1848 during the Gold Rush (Toussaint-Samat 665).

5. In her book The History of Food, Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat claims that the orange tree in California didn’t become a staple until the adventurous spirit of the Gold Rush took over in 1848 (665).

6. Toussaint-Samat, Mageulonne.The History of Food. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 2003.

Please pay attention to EVERYTHING: punctuation, capitalization, italics, spaces after punctuation ... EVERYTHING!!

4-ok so for the first you added the last name and page number

5- you added page number

and the last one its basically in this form
Pepin, Ronald E., ed. and trans. Scorn for the world: Bernard of Cluny's De contemptu mundi. East Lansing: Colleagues Press, 1991.

Omg like thank you so much I have to do this lesson before starting my courses, and I was totally stuck I still have 3 more citation to do and another exercise like you totally saved me thank you.
ooh yeah and for the following do i use the same citation ?

Source C: An article in the Chicago Tribune entitled “Happiness is Contagious, New Study Finds.” It was written by Judith Graham and published in the December 4th edition. No page number is listed, but it’s in the “Health” section.

Original Paragraphs:

You may think your attentive spouse, your loving children, and your good friends are what make you happy. But something else may be going on: The people they're connected with are making you happy too.

So suggests a new study proposing that happiness is transmitted through social networks, almost like a germ is spread through personal contact. The research was published Thursday in BMJ, a British medical journal.

It's the latest in a growing body of work investigating how our social connections--neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, fellow congregants at church and other associates--affect us. The premise is that we live in a social environment that shapes what we do and how we think and feel.

7. Student’s Sentence:

A 2008 study suggested that happiness can be spread “like a germ through social networks of friends and family” (Graham 1)

8. Student’s Sentence:

You might believe that your loving husband or wife, your doting progeny, and your intimate associates create your happiness. It may be that something else is going on: their intimate associates might be having an effect on you, too (Graham).

9. Student’s Works Cited Citation:

Judith Graham. “Happiness is Contagious, New Study Finds.” (there was a website her)
Chicago Tribune, December 4, 2008. December 16, 2008.