Hey guys I know it's late but I need help with something. This is a short paragraph of the life of Agustus. What is exactly happening in the end? Is he getting hit by the party of people or something?

"Seems to have made something of a stir about the year 1160. He was as full of fun as he could be, and used to take his old sabre and sharpen it up, and get in a convenient place on a dark night, and stick it through people as they went by, to see them jump. He was a born humorist. But he got to going too far with it; and the first time he was found stripping one of these parties, the authorities removed one end of him, and put it up on a nice high place on Temple Bar, where it could contemplate the people and have a good time. He never liked any situation so much or stuck to it so long."

1 answer

Who "removed one end of him"? The people he stuck to see them jump, the party he stripped, or whom? And what do you suppose is meant by "one end of him"? What end, mounted on a "nice high place...where it could contemplate the people"? It was a custom at the time to mount the severed heads of criminals on pikes or poles for all to see.