I think I would do some research outside class, and bring in notes on that.
Start here:
What does it mean when you say "He is and Italian kid"? or Mexican, white, chinese, etc
What does it mean when you say "She is a Goth?"
Hey guys
I have an essay i need to write next week, and my english teacher is giving us 5 classes to do it in. Needs to be 900-1200 words, and we are allowed to bring in a sheet with some points and ideas about the topic, so we can expand on them in the essay. The prompt for the essay is "The groups that we belong to shape our sense of identity"
What i wanted to ask was, could someone give me a few points/ideas i could write down on my sheet, so i can expand on in the actual essay? So far, really what i have is, whatever groups you hang around with, you follow them and act like them (eg. if you hang out with jerks, you will become a jerk), but i need some more, and some more elaborate ones too.
I'll be very grateful.
Cheers, guys!
4 answers
Look at the groups in your school....how are the athletes different, how are the bandmembers, the drama club members, the straight A students, any ethnic groups you may have different?
Do you see each of those groups behaving similarly? Make notes on those ideas to take to class.
Do you see each of those groups behaving similarly? Make notes on those ideas to take to class.
Why are you wasting your time on this idiotic subject when you could be listening to brass band music?!?!
i need a essay of 900 to 1 200 words persuade your employer that you deserve a raise