hey guys can you help me find the answers

Which of the following is most likely the author’s purpose in writing an article explaining the importance of voting? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

to entertain

to evaluate (My answer)

to record

to inform ( my answer)

to persuade

80 answers

To persuaded people to vote is my guess.
I just took the test and missed one and SMART BOI is right the answers to the 1st Question is to inform and to persuade
answers are

1. C,D

Hope this help for other people taking this test
He is wrong because the answers go in random order. Example: answer A foe someone could be answer C for someone else. There no abcd score its random
To inform & to persuade. @SMART BOI is correct for one option.
i dont trust <3 or smart boy
Preston plays and smart boy are correct i got 100%!
Nobody follow Preston. Everyone's letters change for each individual assessment. Not to be rude but I thought you guys would catch on, yet you guys are still putting in letters...
i got a 50 unu
Ok so here are the 100% correct answers to Languge Arts Purpose and Audience Quick Check for Connections:

1. To inform, to persuade
2. The reason the author is writing the story
3. Purpose
4. People who want to be entertained.

Hope I could help :)

if you don't trust me its fine but trust @~And they were roommates~
they got me 100%
AND THEY WERW+E ROOMATES IS 100 percent correct
💂🤴❣️👸Princess🤴❣️👸💂 your name in not kid frindly.
Yup lol
how is prestonplays gonna say "C,D" but just said for the asnwers B,D" u cant mess that up hes trying to give wrong answers..
unless the answers and random
thank you so much "~And they were roommates~"!! your answers are 100% correct! Thank you Thank you!
I really need to get 100s bc me and my mom have a deallllll
alright what are THE REAL answer for all of the questions? For connexus
It is random people type the words down guys ok I will not be happy that you gave me a 0% bro
Guys tell me if you need help with stuff ok I will give the correct anwers and I am not joking and try to give the wrong anwers to you guys ok so let me no if you need help and go to block man go it's a game a play and my name is batmanbat1 ok go to the game skyblock I am strong at that game ok guys
Blockman Go
It's not free for me
~And they were roommates~ is wrong
to persuade and to to inform.
the reason the author is writing the story.
people who want to be entertained.
correct ansors
oak grove
Uh what????????
❣️👸everyone im back your princess is home ❣️👸
you may keep having fun homework is bad NO MORE HOMEWORK I SAY
Where's Naruto I've been looking everywhere
very good
If your having trouble here you are

1. D E

2. A


4. D
and they were roommates is correct 100%
tbh if your just saying the letters for the answers you just might be dumb just put the words instead of letters to tell a answer
preaston plays gave me a zero dont trust him
I'm just saying you can trust prestonplayz the guy with the name don't trust prestonplayz is a preston hater
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And they were roommates is still right one year later!
@gardevoir lover you literally just copied him. @Insert name here thanks for bein a good spot
I know everyone has been saying this but people who are looking for answers go by the actual answer not the letter teachers always switch it up. Anyways its raining read a book play a game listen to music have a good day everyone;) oh and make sure you STUDY for state board testing you don't want to have to do the same grade again
@Connexus Help, 💂🤴❣️👸Princess🤴❣️👸💂‍♂️ does have a kid friendly name. If you have a problem with it then don't say anything.
gardevoir lover is correct

girl you act like i dont know that UwU hehhehe have a good day *Rolls eyes*
4 mins ago
~and they were roomates~ must've had a fellow genius
Does anyone know what correct answers are? Omg
Oop, didn't see ~And they were roomates~ lol
1. To inform, to persuade
2. The reason the author is writing the story
3. Purpose
4. People who want to be entertained.
The Queen has answers LOL
oak grove
Your welcome! :)
~And they were roommates~ is right
OK LET ME SAY THE WHOLE DONE TIME I BEEN READING THIS PRINCESS HAS BEEN SO CRINGE like are you joking with the "YoU dOnT tHiNk I kNoW tHaT UwU *RoLlS EyEs*" LIKE I JUST DIED ON THE SPO. AND SAYING "EvErYoNe YoUr PrInCEsS iS bAcK" aaaaaaaaaaasdfghjk NO. i know im being hella rude but i just need to point out, your making yourself SCREAM "im 14 or 12 UwU". I'm 12 too if you are, but luckily im not that cringe.
Like srsly scream louder bro. also @~And they were roommates~ is 100% correct in 2022. Have a nce day everyone :> (icluding you pRiNcEsS)
lol you need to chill out for a sec
guys these are the right answers please trust me
now i know it's weird that there are three c's but trust me these are right.
~and they where roommates~ is correct if your in connexus!
oak grove
@ Queen is 100% correct trust her she is superior!!!!! all hail the queen!
also lmao screem a bit louder bro i dare you.
~And they were roommates~ was right
Thanks for the answers to everyone to helped!
im dying from cringe like princess said "UwU" who like gurl and *RoLlS eYeS* who ik im bein rude but excuse me but who "EvErYoNe Im BaCk YoUr PrInCeSs Is HoMe YoU MaY kEeP hAvInG fUn HoMeWoRk Is BaD No MoRe HoMeWoRk I sAy" gurly stop anyways have a good day everyone and @~And they were roommates~ is 100% correct and you helped a lot thank you @~And they were roommates~
@preston playz is cap its
this comment section is everything
if a banana was inside was toilet if toilet is there.
bruh why is every one hating on 💂🤴❣️👸Princess🤴❣️👸💂 its kinda funny how you guys are so mad just cuz she said some goofy ahh tings like just ignore it
Let's focus on helping each other to find the answers and be respectful towards one another. We're all here to learn and get good grades.
shut up
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