Hey, everyone! Do you mind helping me check my history questions for accuracy? Thanks!
1. "Living by Faith" by Charles G. Finny is representative of which of the following movements?
a. Revivalism
b. Transcendentalism
c. Nativism
d. Deism
My Answer: A
2. The "Year of Revolutions 1848" saw a huge wave of German migration. Which of the following was smallest reason for this mass exodus?
A. political tensions over a failed liberal nationalist revolution
B. Racial tensions aimed at German Jews
C. Economic tensions caused by political instability
D. greater opportunities in America
My Answer: B
3.Which of the following features of the Jacksonian presidency would later lead to many problems and eventually an assassination of the U.S. President in 1881?
a. The Bank of the U.S. demise
b. The Tariff System
C. The Spoils System
D. The money question
My Answer: wavering between A and D, but I mainly think it is A
4. Which of the following so-called Civilized Tribes were not forced to reservations in Oklahoma Territory?
a. Chickasaw
b. Iroquois
c. Choctaw
d. Seminoles
My Answer: D, especially after the 2nd Seminole War (?)
5. The Nativist was against Irish immigration mostly because
a. beliefs that they would compete with slaves for low paying jobs
b. beliefs that the Irish were really spies for Britain
c. Fears that it would unsettle our new British allies
d. stereotypes over their Catholic heritage
My Answer: D
6. All of the following are true of the Tariff of 1828 EXCEPT:
A. demonstrated the growing differences between the North and South
B. was viewed as an "abomination" by many Southerners
C. created a crisis that almost led to a civil war
D. was ultimately ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
My Answer: D
Thank you everybody! All help is appreciated :)
4 answers