Here's the answer from yesterday:

spanish1 homework check - SraJMcGin, Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 4:58pm
1. son las, etc.

To show you how to make accent marks with the computer I need to know 2 things. a) do you have a MAC or a PC and b) do you have Windows or not.

2. Son las seis y doce.

Divide the clock in 1/2. Everything up to the half hour uses "y" and everything after uses "menos."

3. Son las ocho menos veinte.

4. Son las cuatro menos cinco.

5. Es la una y cuarto.

6. Es la una menos cuarto (cuatro = 4 but cuarto = 15 mins or quarter of an hour

7. Son las doce. OR Es el mediodía OR Es la medianoche.

Your textbook should have an explanation of how to tell time. If NOT, let me know and I'll type it up for you.

8. Son las dos y veinticinco.

9. Son lass tres 7 cinco.

Now that you have them all wrong, it will take a LOT of repetition to undo that.

10. Son las diez y media.

11. ok

12. tiene el pelo, etc.

13. las piernas cortas. All adjectives have the same number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) as the NOUN modified. las piernas = feminine plural so cortas must also be feminine and plural

14. la lengua española es divertida (see how the adjective is feminine singular just like the noun?)

15. Mis amigos son divertidos (check out adjective & noun)

16. ¡Qué buena comida! (adj. feminine singular like noun)

17. Eres un buen amigo. (bueno shortens to buen before a masculine singular noun)

18. María es una buena persona. (review the adjectives in your textbook or ask me to explain how adjectives work)

19. El perro es simpático. (Sorry, but when a word requires an accent mark, it will be WRONG if it is missing!)

20. Easter Sunday = Depending upon your textbook there are 3 ways:
1. Pascua de flores
2. Pascua de Resurrección
3. Pascua florida

Sra (You have a lot of review to do, so please ask for it, because something is wrong with every number here. It's good to catch it early!

2 answers

In addition, you should know that your posting ability has been blocked for a couple of days. I am hoping that you will learn some online manners on a homework-help website between now and whenever we un-block you.
Algebra for Whitney:

Your algebra post had 3 answers correct out of 19. The second question does not contain a correct answer, so I suspect that there is a problem with the question itself.

3/19 resembles very much 1 out of 6 choices, which brings me to the conclusion that either
1. the answers were chosen at random, or
2. you badly need a tutor, even if you are homeschooled.

If and when you have a chance to post again, split the post into 4-5 questions each so that volunteer teachers have a chance to take small bites while they also need to help others.

As Mme Sra mentioned, post your answers early if you need them checked.